Sunday, December 30, 2012

Home made dew drops

I'm one of those people that if I like something and think I can make it myself I will try, it rarely works to my benefit but at least I know buying it is worth the money.

This post is a tutorial of one of my experiments.  I usually don't even mention them but I think I'll share with you this.

Dew Drops, those lovely little clear rounded beauties that are flat on the bottom and look great as drops of water or splashes of color on our projects. They are hard plastic, probably acrylic and come in so many colors, but sometimes you need "that special color" that you just can't find, OR no one around you sells them and you don't want to pay shipping.

So I started doing some research, I've watched a dozen videos and read several tutorials and this is what I came up with.  The photo above shows them after they are colored.  The photo below shows how I colored them.
(I purposely put the photos out of order to keep you interested) sneaky huh? Is it working?

The clear ones with the little bubble in them are the "real" Dew Drops, the more opaque ones are my creations.

My Dew Drop assembly line...I used a high temp glue gun and a non stick mat and put dots down.  I wasn't very careful keeping the glue strings away since I was just playing and thinking it would end up in the trash.

One of the videos I watched suggested putting them in the freezer before coloring to prevent sticking together...not 100% effective, they still stick together.  I used alcohol based inks and you can see the colors are pretty vibrant, but a few of them still come off on my fingers when I handle them.

My next experiment will be on these, this was on another video, she used these and colored them.  Skipped the glue dots.  These look identical to the dew drops I've bought so I'm curious to see if the alcohol ink will stain this.  They come in this huge bag sold as vase fillers at my Joann's store, there were about 8 different colors so if you've got a HUGE project needing one color or have a dozen friends you could each buy a bag and have a million dew laugh but I know some of you are contemplating.  
It's that scrap hoarder in all of us!!

Alright, there's my little tutorial of trial and kind of error, the information is out there, just have to search it out and play!
Have fun, thanks for reading my rambling  I'd love to hear about any tutorials you've tried that haven't gone as well as you hoped.

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