Friday, August 23, 2013

Remembering those days lay out


Today I'm sharing one of the Crop On Line layouts we did this past 2 weeks.

We were given one with a boy, a girl and the bear in both boy and girl.  
I'm using the new DCWV stack call The Little Miss.  I really like the soft pallet of this stack and the patterns.

I love the little doll, she's so sweet

If you aren't playing along with us in the COL program, you are really missing out.  Most times you get 5 layouts for $15!  Cheryl always gives bonus files so you get way more for your money than if you wait until they are in the shop! Even if you don't think you will use them all, I'd get them, you can always sell the pre made layouts you make.


Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

This is just tooo tooo sweet!!! <3

MaryEllen said...

wonderful job as always