Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year~~ update

I said I would post a pic when I got a candy bar to put in my New year's wrapper shown here
So I finally got a candy bar, thanks to the hubby who reminded me at the checkout line in Joann's (has to be the most pitiful purchase in my Joann's shopping history, a stuffed puppy for my daughter and an Hershey's chocolate bar-sigh)
 I wrapped the paper around the bar then put it on my scoring surface for proper alignment.  A little tricky with the glasses in the way but...its all done and super cute, only a few (wink wink) days late.


Cindy :) said...

super cute, love the glasses and the exploding bottle of champagne rocks :)

Carla said...

Okay, so I am waaaaay late in seeing this, but I love it!! You're going to have to add this to the list of things you need to show me how to make. ;-)